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Call us today, phones answered 24/7

The Pacific Northwest’s Local Mesothelioma and Sex Abuse Law Firm

Since 1995, the asbestos law firm of Bergman Oslund Udo Little has been fighting to protect the interests of families facing the challenges of mesothelioma and other serious injuries. We focus almost exclusively on representing victims of mesothelioma, occupational injury, and childhood sexual abuse. For each family we represent, we create a small team of professionals that is intensely focused on your needs and treat you with dignity and respect.

Now Accepting Cases for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

We understand the devastation caused by this abuse and stand by to help.

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Settlements & Verdicts

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Our Asbestos and Juvenile Sex Abuse Law Firm

Since 1995, the lawyers at Bergman Oslund Udo Little, have been fighting to protect the interests of families facing the challenges of mesothelioma and other injuries. With decades of experience, we devote our practice to helping families cope with the tragedy of mesothelioma. 

After decades of investigating asbestos job sites, such as Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, we’ve built an extensive proprietary database with information on local shipyards, major industrial facilities, military bases, paper mills, oil refineries, and power plants throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska. We also understand the particular circumstances veterans face.

We are skilled trial lawyers who have obtained multiple large verdicts on behalf of individuals injured by careless corporations or government actors. After learning of the extensive childhood sex abuse that has occurred in Washington juvenile detention facilities, our practice has expanded to seek justice for victims of childhood sex abuse in addition to mesothelioma victims.

Meet Our Team


What Our Clients Say

The BOUL team
The BOUL team

Commitment to Our Community

We’re a smaller local firm. We live in Washington and Oregon, and our clients like it that way. Each family we represent receives the kind of personalized attention that’s hard to deliver once a firm grows too big or branches out into too many types of law practice.

Firm News

Contact The Firm
Representing Asbestos and Mesothelioma Clients Throughout the Northwest.
Seattle Office

520 Pike St.
Seattle, WA 98101

Portland Office

1355 NW Everett St.
Suite 100
Portland, OR 97204

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