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Bergman Legal Announces New Partner, Chandler Udo

Attorney Chandler Udo

The leadership team of Bergman Draper Oslund is pleased to announce that Chandler Udo has been named our newest partner. Chandler has been a key player on the Bergman team since 2011 and always provides compassionate counsel to our mesothelioma clients.

Chandler has been first chair counsel in several asbestos cases at both the state and federal level and helped secure a number of multi-million-dollar verdicts for mesothelioma victims. He has been integral to the success of Bergman Draper Oslund and brings value to every interaction.

Chandler obtained his undergraduate degree from Western Washington University then pursued his Juris Doctor at Boston College Law School. He joined the Bergman team after clerking for the Honorable Ellen J. Fair in the Snohomish County Superior Court.

Chandler is recognized as one of the top-rated product liability attorneys in Seattle for his work fighting for the rights of asbestos exposure victims and is a four-time recipient of Washington Rising Stars (2014-2018) and a top performer at Bergman Draper Oslund.

Contact The Firm
Representing Asbestos and Mesothelioma Clients Throughout the Northwest.
Seattle Office

520 Pike St.
Seattle, WA 98101

Portland Office

1355 NW Everett St.
Suite 100
Portland, OR 97204

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