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How railroad workers have been exposed to asbestos

A gavel and a justice scale

Mesothelioma is a malignant type of cancer that affects the outside of the lungs. Although there have been a number of remediation measures put into place to try to remove asbestos, the fibrous materials that cause mesothelioma, from workplaces, the sad truth of the matter is that much of the damage has already been done, as mesothelioma can take 30 or 40 years or more to develop after exposure to asbestos. And in some instances, workers continue to be exposed to this toxic material.

Dangers posed to railroad workers

Railroad workers are amongst those who are at risk of developing mesothelioma. In fact, there are tens of thousands of railroad workers in the industry today, and they continue to be exposed to asbestos. Those who have worked in the railroad profession are extremely likely to have been exposed to asbestos in many ways, exponentially increasing their risk of developing mesothelioma. The material has been found in many railroad car components over the years, including brake pads and clutches, primarily because asbestos is a hard material that is more resistant to heat and friction compared to other options. Yet, workers have been exposed to asbestos dust when these material break or need replaced.

But that’s not the only way that railroad workers have been exposed to asbestos. Each of the following products commonly used in the railroad profession have been found to contain asbestos:

  • Insulation
  • Ceiling and floor tiles
  • Gaskets
  • Insulation
  • Rope
  • Sealant
  • Wallboards
  • Paint
  • Cement ties

Although some of these products are safer today, many have individuals have already suffered irreparable damage caused by asbestos fibers that become lodged in the lining of the lungs.

Are you or a loved one a former railroad worker suffering from mesothelioma?

If so, then you’re probably wondering what you can do to find some sort of accountability and secure financial resources to give your family the stability that it needs and deserves. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be able to recover compensation through an asbestos trust fund set up after a court rendered a judgment on a class action lawsuit. Even if that’s not a possibility, though, you may still be able to take legal action against the company that is responsible for your or your loved one’s asbestos exposure. Many of these cases end up settling before heading to trial, but you still have to be prepared to present evidence that justifies your position. Therefore, it’s in your best interests to consult with your medical professional to get a clear diagnosis and prognosis. If you can’t reach a fair settlement, then you shouldn’t be scared to go to trial and fight for the outcome that is right for you.

Don’t overlook your legal rights due to take-home asbestos

Remember that you may be entitled to compensation if you developed mesothelioma or lung cancer due to asbestos brought home by your loved one who worked in the railroad industry. Again, you’ll need evidence to show the cause of your medical condition, which can be aggressively challenged when you present your case. Therefore, you need to be thorough when building your claim if you hope to impose liability, anticipating every defense argument that may be thrown your way.

Seek help to achieve the outcome you and your loved ones deserve

Mesothelioma threatens to wreck families. And while there’s no cure for the condition, you can help alleviate the burden that it has unfairly thrust upon your family by taking legal action. Keep in mind, though, that there’s a short period of time during which you must bring your legal claim, otherwise you’ll be barred from recovering compensation altogether. So, if you or your loved one has been impacted by mesothelioma, whether from working in the railroad, shipyard, papermill, or construction industry, then now is the time to discuss your case with a law firm that is experienced in this area of the law.

Contact The Firm
Representing Asbestos and Mesothelioma Clients Throughout the Northwest.
Seattle Office

520 Pike St.
Seattle, WA 98101

Portland Office

1355 NW Everett St.
Suite 100
Portland, OR 97204

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